What information does all-britesales.com collect?
For each visitor to our web page, our web server automatically recognizes
only the consumer's IP address. We automatically collect
only the IP address of a visitor, but not the e-mail address of a
visitor to our website. The information we collect is used
to analyze our site and find out how to make the site more friendly
for our visitors. The information is then discarded when
we are finished with it.
What if I supply all-britesales.com with my email address
or other information?
If you supply us with your postal address and/or email address on-line,
you will receive the information or products you asked for. You
will not receive periodic mailings or emails from us with information
on new products, services or upcoming events unless you choose to. If
you do not wish to receive these offers, please contact us by email or by phone at 800-637-2207.
People who provide
us with their telephone numbers on-line will be contacted by telephone
only as specified, or if we have questions about additional information
Does all-britesales.com use cookies to track my internet
We currently do not use cookies on our website to store information
on your computer or track your internet usage.
If you have any questions about the above statements, please contact
us by email or by phone at 800-637-2207.